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Virtual Repair Center

If you need to make a quick repair to your home’s windows or doors, you can find helpful answers to some of the most common questions here.

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How to Fix Simple Window Problems

Some window issues are small and can be fixed with a little elbow grease. Here are some video tutorials that will help you fix some common window problems:

Window and Door Repair Guides

Do’s For Caring For Your Windows

  • Start with just water and a soft cloth. If necessary, you can use a mild cleaner.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • If lubrication is needed, use a silicone spray.

Don’ts For Caring For Your Windows

  • Use Power washers or high-pressure sprays: the force of the liquid could damage the caulking around the window, which ensures water-tightness.
  • Use liquid grease remover, strong soaps and detergents containing organic solvents, nail polish/ paint remover, furniture polish, or cleaners containing chlorine bleach, as these substances are potentially damaging to the surface of the vinyl.
  • Use sharp objects during the cleaning process.
  • Even mildly abrasive cleaners, like Soft Scrub, can scratch the surface of the glass or Window frame: avoid the use of any abrasive agent.
  • Use oil-based spray lubricants such as WD-40, as they attract dirt.
  • Paint or varnish vinyl windows.

Tips For Cleaning Your Windows

woman cleaning a windowScreen:
Screens can be cleaned easily with a soft brush accessory of a vacuum.

Tracks can be washed with a small, stiff nylon brush, then wiped down with a soft cloth. It is important to ensure that the tracks are free of the dirt, leaves, sand, grease, or other outdoor elements as they can be ground into the vinyl tracks when the sashes are operated.

Window Cleaning Solutions

man cleaning windowVinyl:
Murphy Oil Soap
Solution of 30% Vinegar and 70% Water

Make sure that after using one of these options, you wash the area with soap and water and wipe clean.

Goof Off 2

Regular or ammonia-based glass cleaners, like Windex

Repair & Warranty Claims

Window World windows carry a lifetime warranty. If we installed it, we’ll fix it. When those rare instances of disfunction occur, Window World of Long Island is there to take care of your needs.

If you’re having an issue with your windows that our tips didn’t fix, you can submit a warranty claim form to get expert repair from our crew.

How to Make a Warranty Claim

1. Note the following stipulations of Window World’s warranty:

  • Acts of God (hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, etc.) Acts of war, fire, stress resulting from localized heat, modifications, and vandalism.
  • Color variances may occur between replacement parts and weathered original material.
  • Labor warranty does not transfer to Owner’s immediate transferee.
  • This warranty is exclusively for windows installed by the Company. Any additional products, such as doors, installed by the Company, in conjunction with the window contract/installation will carry the warranty provided by the manufacturer.

2. If your products do not fall into the exclusions listed above, you’re still eligible to make a warranty claim. To get started, locate the serial number on the Window World product(s) you need service on. Not sure where to find your serial number? Use the videos below to help you.

3. Make your claim. If you need immediate assistance, call us with your serial number and information about your products. For less pressing issues, you can call us or fill out our online warranty claim form.


How to Locate the Serial Numbers on Your Windows

Repair vs. Replacement

It can be difficult to determine whether your windows should be repaired or replaced. While we can’t diagnose an issue or give a recommendation without examining your windows, there are a few signs your windows need to be replaced instead of repaired. The most common of these signs are:

  • Your windows are over 15-20 years old
  • Your window frames are damaged or rotting (wood frames only)
  • You can feel a draft when your windows are closed
  • There is condensation on the inside of your windows
  • Your energy bills are higher with no obvious explanation

If those issues sound familiar, schedule your free consultation to learn how replacement windows can transform your home.

Schedule Your Consultation

Additional Resources

More Tips to Help You Care for Your Windows

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